Upcoming events.

Lets Get Serious : A Talk about Neonicotinoids and why you should know about them.
Come learn about the number one factor in recent insect and bird decline, what you should know about these pesticides and how you can help. This topic is very near and dear to our hearts and we are thrilled to be talking about it… please join us!

Wildflower Walk & Talk
DATE & TIME TBD : Join us sometime in May or June for a nature walk to see all the new growth this spring and identify some of our native plants.

Louisiana Wild Society First Annual Fundrasier
DATE & TIME TBD : LWS is excited to host their first fundraiser this fall. Details TBD, but lets just say… we’re excited :)

Wildflower Walk for Pollinator Week!
This event has reached its maximum capacity, but we’re excited to see those of you who signed up on Friday! If you didn’t get a spot at this one, don’t worry, there will be more :). Look forward to seeing you all soon!

Milkweed Giveaway DAY!
Come join us to celebrate the start of summer here in South Louisiana with many exciting reasons to celebrate! We will be sharing our mission at LWS and building community with food, local music, plants, a plant genius bar, face painting, etc. Come out and join us on this festive occasion!